Yesterday, I was flipping the pages of the renowned Life magazine’s special edition on Ibn Saud. I encountered a very interesting reply from the founder of Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud, on the issue of Palestine.
The publication in question is an issue of Life magazine from May 1943, a time during which World War II was ongoing.
Following is the translation of his letter in Arabic.
Interview of His Majesty the King with LIFE Magazine’s Representative, Mr. Busch Riad, March 21, 1943
Q. What is your Majesty’s opinion concerning the Palestine problem?
A. I have withheld my opinion concerning the Palestine problem from the Arabs in order to avoid placing them in an embarrassing position with the Allies. But because you are one of our friends, I wish to acquaint you with my opinion so that it can be made known to the friendly American people, so that they may understand the truth of the matter.
First, I know of nothing that justifies the Jewish claims in Palestine. Centuries before the advent of Mohammed, Palestine belonged to the Jews. But the Romans prevailed over them, killed some, and dispersed the rest. No trace of their rule remained. Then the Arabs seized Palestine from the Romans, more than thirteen hundred years ago, and it has remained ever since in the possession of the Moslems.
“Bertrand Russell’s Last Message” on Israel and Palestine.
This shows that the Jews have no right to their claim since all the countries of the world saw the succession of different peoples who conquered them. Those countries became their undisputed homelands. Were we to follow the Jewish theory, it would become necessary for many peoples of the world, including those of Palestine, to move out of the lands wherein they settled.
Secondly, I am not afraid of the Jews or of the possibility of their ever having a state or power, either in the land of the Arabs or elsewhere.
This is in accordance with what God has revealed unto us through the mouth of His Prophet in His Holy Book. Thus I hold the demands of the Jews upon this land an error; first because it constitutes an injustice against the Arabs, and the Moslems in general; and secondly because it causes dissensions and disturbances between the Moslems and their friends the Allies; and in this I fail to see anything good. Furthermore, if the Jews are impelled to seek a place to live, Europe and America as well as other lands are larger and more fertile than Palestine, and more suitable to their welfare and interests. This would constitute justice, and there is no need to involve the Allies and the Moslems in a problem void of good.
India’s Historical Stand for Palestine & Palestinian Rights
As to the native Jewish population in Palestine, I suggest that the Arabs agree with their friends the Allies to safeguard the interests of those Jews, provided the Jews commit no action that might lead to strife and dissension, which would not be in the general interest, and provided the Jews give a guarantee, endorsed by the Allies, that they would not strive to buy Arab property, and would refrain from using their great financial power for that purpose. Such efforts would only bring to the people of Palestine loss and injury, and poverty and decay to their doors. Such efforts would inevitably lead to more trouble. On the other hand, the Arabs would recognize the rights of the Jews and would guarantee to safeguard them.
Q. What does Your Majesty think of Arab unity?
A. There are no differences among the Arabs, and I believe that, with Allied aid, they will be united after the war.
(Signed) Head of The Royal Cabinet