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Allama Iqbal, Marxism & Islamic Renaissance: A Discussion
Iqbal drew significant inspiration from the Bolshevik Revolution and Marxism, admiring the revolution’s egalitarian ethos, but remaining firmly rooted in Islamic principles, rejecting both Marxism’s atheistic worldview and fundamentalist interpretations of Islam.
Maulana Azad led Silk Letter Movement Was a Secular Effort
These facts establish that Maulana Azad was an active revolutionary, led Silk Letter Movement during the First World War and the movement was not an Islamic movement and all the Indians were equal partners in this effort.
Jawaharlal Nehru’s First Court Trial and Jail
Nehru: “I do not recognise the British Government in India, and I do not regard this as a court. I regard these proceedings as farce or show. This court carries out what has already been decided.”
Jawaharlal Nehru believed Mental Health a real challenge for the society
“I know you will agree that mental health is in a sense even more important. For mental health, to a large extent, governs physical health.”
Jawaharlal Nehru met the First Prime Minister of India
For briefly though, the First Prime Minister of India and the First Prime Minister of free India were allies of a sort.
Jawaharlal Nehru & Ghaffar Khan attacked by Pathans in NWFP
Nehru could be saved by the brave effort of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan when he threw himself over Nehru and took injuries on himself. Khan received fractures in two of his fingers, serious injuries in nose, skull and shoulder and had to be admitted in the hospital.
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan on Ottoman Caliph or Turkish Sultan
“History also proves that whenever a Mohammedan sovereign assumed the title of Caliph his Caliphate extended only to the extent of his dominions and his subjects. A country beyond the range of his government had nothing to do with his Caliphate, Imamate and Sultanate.”
Was Sir Syed an advocate of the Two Nation Theory?
“I have used the word nation several times in this Anjuman. By this I do not mean Muslims only. In my opinion all men are one and I do not like religion, community or group to be identified with a nation.”
Did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan support Wahhabism?
“The sects called Wahabees and Bidaties are bitter enemies, that their feelings towards one another are as bitter as were those of the Roman Catholics towards the Protestants in the days of the Reformation.”