Following is the text of a letter written by Raja Mahendra Pratap, published in Sirajul Akhbar, Kabul in 1916
Bagh-e-Babur Shah, Kabul
Date: 15/ 05 /1916
My Dear Friend, the Editor of Sirajul Akhbar,
I am sorry to bother you. I am surprised to see that I have been defamed in many Indian newspapers for no reason.
I would like to remove this misconception through your newspaper.
The newspapers blamed me for presenting myself as a big maharaja and joined the staff of His Highness Kaiser of Germany.
This is a baseless blame against me; I did neither call myself Maharaja or even Raja nor did I join anyone’s staff nor did I accept employment of anyone.
Raja Mahendra Partap: A Great Man Reduced to Jaat Raja by the Politics
It is true that I visited Germany when the War was on to observe the situation there. The German Government honoured me and it gave me chances to observe the War from the farthest fronts and planes. Moreover, the Kaiser of Germany allowed me to see him.
Then, after settling the issues of India and Asia with the German Government and getting the necessary introduction letters, I returned to the East.
I called on the Khedive Princes and ministers of Egypt. I also saw and talked to the world-famous Anwar Pasha and His Highness Sultan the Great.
I discussed the issue of the East and India with the Ottoman Sultanate and got the necessary introductory documents from them as well. The German and Turks officers and Molvi Barkatullah were sent with me for my help and now they are with me.
Raja Mahendra Pratap formed the Provisional Government of India in Afghanistan on his Birthday
Facing thousands of problems, difficulties, and dangers, we reached Afghanistan passing through Baghdad and Isfahan by the mercy of a God-fearing man. We are staying here due to the impartiality of the Amir His Highness. We are a guest of your Government; we are treated honorably and given every kind of comfort and facility.
My friends should know that if they are not thankful they should not even talk nonsense. I am neither an enemy of any person nor any nation; I am a friend of the entire world.
My sole objective is that every person and every nation live in peace and with freedom in one’s house and country, and the earth is free of such war and clashes.
I am a servant of the world and India, a friend of the Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, and Muslims, who is called by some as Kunwar Sahib of Mursan while some as Raja Sahib of Hathras.
Barkatullah Bhopali, who formed the ‘Government of India in Exile’ with Raja Mahendra Pratap, as its President and himself as the Prime Minister.
Moreover, for my personal ideas and actions, none of my friends, my brother Raja Bahadur of Mursan, my relative Maharaja Sahib Jeend, or Art School Prem Mahavidyalaya (Bindraban) is absolutely responsible.
Mahendra Pratap